Seeking together the glory of Christ and the good of Milwaukee


When you visit with us at Christ Church Milwaukee, it’s our hope that first and foremost, you’ll be welcomed into a community that feels a bit like coming home. We want you to know that you’re more among friends, than strangers.


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Between Bible studies, community groups, and other fellowship events, we do life together.


We love Milwaukee, and as we live here among her people, parks and pubs, we hope to see our love for it increase all the more. This is where God has placed us and called us to live and serve.


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"There is no saint without a past, and no sinner without a future." - St. Augustine 

Our hope at Christ Church Milwaukee is that we would be a place that welcomes people from all walks of life, with all of their burdens, struggles, doubts, fears and insecurities. You don’t have to be a Christian, or believe all that we believe to come to Christ Church Milwaukee. Flannery O’Connor once said, “The operation of the church is entirely set up for the sinner; which creates much misunderstanding among the smug.” The church should be a place that welcomes those with questions, doubts or uncertainties. After all, if life’s big questions can’t be answered here, much less asked, where else is there to turn? So, come; know that you’re welcome here, even if you don’t understand it all, or if it feels strange to you. You’ll be welcomed here with open arms.